Monday 15 October 2012

surfing pre trip log

Pre Trip Log

(a)  What do you expect to learn on your next excursion besides Surfing on the Surfin Safari?

(b)  Some people feel more comfortable than others about swimming and surfing in the ocean. Write about how you feel when you are in the shallows; Then how in the deeper water just beyond the breakers and out where you can’t stand up or see the bottom.

(c)  If you feel uncomfortable about these thoughts in the previous question, then what can you do between now and the time we leave to make you feel better about those situations that you could find yourself in. If you feel comfortable in the ocean all the time, how can you make your friends on our Surfin Safari next term who aren’t as comfortable as you feel better about it?(you will be asked in the post blog after the excursion to explain if your strategies for making them better worked or not).

(d)  How do you know when you are taking TOO much risk on an adventure activity (this is before an incident or accident)? Explain in detail.

(e)  In the Surfing excursion next term what are you doing if anything, to limit or control risk for you or others on that excursion?
As well as learning how to surf I hope to learn the dangers and hazards in the ocean and the best ways to deal with them. I expect to gain an understanding of how to identify where it is safe to surf and the best way to enter and exit the surf
In shallow water I feel comfortable and safe with both feet firmly on the ground, i deeper water behind the break line of the ocean depending on the conditions I can feel relaxed if there is not much wind and the ocean is calm however if the ocean is slightly rougher I can feel uneasy.
If i feel uneasy out in the ocean i will aim to not panic and keep focused. If others are uneasy in the ocean I will try to relax them and make them feel calm in the ocean and advise them to stay close to the group
d) and e)
To know I am taking too much risk  I have to know my own ability and be comfortable working within it. But still try to push your boundaries slightly to improve your skills. Have a knowledge on identifying risks and how to deal with them to lower the probability of something going wrong.
Post Trip Log
(a)   What did you to learn about on the surfing safari excursion besides Surfing? And was it beneficial to you or anyone else?

(b)  Before you went you wrote in your pre trip blog about how you feel when you are in the shallows, in the green water just beyond the breakers and out where you can’t stand up or see the bottom. Who did handle it, when you were out there beyond the breakers? How did you feel and did it match your expectation?

(c)  Did your prevention strategy mentioned in pre-trip blog #(c) work? If you didn’t have a pre-trip strategy because you feel comfortable in the ocean all the time, then how did you handle Binge Point? And what did you do to make your friends who aren’t as comfortable as you feel better about dealing with that surf on that day?

(d)  Did you feel like you were taking TOO much risk in this surfing activity at any time? Explain in detail.

(e)  What did you do to limit or control the risk for you or others in that situation in Q.d above?

(f)    What was your highlight of the trip explain why with photos and sentences or video. Your highlight must also include a link to a web page, picture or map.
a)    Besides surfing, on the surfing safari I learnt that when everyone brings a contribution it can make for a much more enjoyable time for the group as a whole. I learnt that many people have interesting stories to tell if you actually listen.
b)     Yes it matched my expectations I continued to feel reasonable calm out behind the breakers as I was confident in my swimming ability and was not panicking
c)     There was never a point where I felt uneasy in the water and therefore did not need to implement a strategy. I did no attend binge point so I am unable to identify whether or not I would have handled the conditions or whether or not I would have successfully calmed others.
d)     There was never I point when I felt I was taking too much risk, I felt I was pushing myself but remained comfortable in my ability to navigate the ocean

e)     To control the risk I surveyed the designated swimming area to identify hazards such as rips, I then entered with caution and remained in control throughout the surfing trip
f)       My highlight of the trip would be making new friends, working together with others learning to surf and having a relaxed time away from assessment.
you can find more information on the beaches we went to and other south coast attractions here

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