Wednesday 19 September 2012

Time to Shred

Q1. I could have not done anything much dofferent to how i did it in the first place to be honest
Q2, my fitness was challenged, it was an intense two days which test my core strength. i continued to do multiple excersise similar to the ones practiced in the gym in week 1. by doing this i ewas able to increase my stability and balnce which assisted in my snowboarding. In hindsight i would not put more effort in to be honest with you dave.
Q3. the commercial experience was a lot more full on, we spent the enire two days making the most of our money, as having to be commerical it was clearly more expensive then previous camps. the snorkelling trip was better as it was a lot more relaxed and summer is my deal.
Q4. my highlight was going to tube town, it was hecktik. soz dave